fireplace servicing

Fireplace Servicing 101: How Often Should I Get My Fireplace Serviced?

It might be obvious, but at the Fireplace Center and Patio Shop, we love fireplaces.

Can you blame us? Who doesn’t love curling up by the fire on a cold autumn evening, book in one hand with a cup of steaming hot tea in the other? The answer is no one. 

But, just like any appliance in your home, your fireplace needs proper care and maintenance to continue functioning correctly. More importantly, taking care of your fireplace ensures that it’s safe to be in your home – an unmaintained fireplace can be a health and safety hazard. Let’s talk about it.

Fireplace Servicing 101: Why is it important to get my fireplace serviced?

You probably invested quite a bit in your fireplace, so of course, you want to extend its lifetime by taking proper care so you can keep enjoying it for years to come.

There are also several health risks associated with fireplaces, and some of them can be deadly. 

Chimney Fires

fireplace servicing

Over time, wood-burning fireplaces and chimneys become coated with soot and creosote – natural by-products of burning wood. Both of these substances are flammable, and if you’re not maintaining your fireplace, it can catch on fire and cause a chimney fire. 

Every year, about 25,000 chimney fires occur in the United States. Chimney fires are especially deadly because they’re harder to detect than other confined fires, and they reach incredibly high temperatures. Because the fire is concealed inside your chimney, you may not notice your chimney fire until it’s too late.

Know the signs of a chimney fire:

  • A loud cracking or popping noise
  • A loud roaring sound, similar to a train or aircraft
  • Dense smoke building up in your fireplace or coming out of your chimney

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Likewise, both wood-burning and gas fireplaces produce carbon monoxide. In a well-maintained fireplace, the carbon monoxide produced by the fire will exit out of the flue of your chimney. If your fireplace isn’t adequately ventilated, or If there’s a problem with your chimney or fireplace, the carbon monoxide will enter your home and could cause carbon monoxide poisoning. 

Carbon monoxide is often called a ‘silent killer’ because there is no colour, odour, taste, or any other indicator of its presence. 

The only way to tell if you’re experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning are the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Chest
  • Disorientation

Even with proper maintenance, you should have a carbon monoxide detector installed in your home. 

This all sounds pretty scary, but the good news is that none of these things will happen if you get your fireplace serviced regularly.

Fireplace Servicing 101: How often should I get my fireplace serviced?

fireplace servicing

How often you should get your fireplace serviced depends on how often you use it. The more often you use your fireplace, the more often you should get it serviced. 

According to the National Fire Protection Association, you should get your fireplaces checked once a year. Even if you don’t use your fireplace regularly, malfunctions can still arise even without regular use. If you use your fireplace daily or weekly, you should get it serviced more often than once a year.

Book your fireplace service today

book your fireplace servicing appointment

With autumn upon us and winter around the corner, now is the time to service your fireplace. You want to ensure your fireplace is working smoothly and safely before use.

Contact Fireplace Center today, and book your servicing ahead of the crowd. We service all types of fireplaces, whether you have wood-burning, gas, or electrical. We’ll make sure your fireplace is up to standard so you and your family can safely enjoy a warm fire this fall and winter.

Your Fireplace, BBQ & Patio Experts Since 1952

The Fireplace Center and Patio Shop is your one-stop shop for all your indoor and outdoor essentials. With one of Canada’s largest showrooms, we have over 200 fireplaces on display. With extensive knowledge in BBQs, heating and cooling, and patio furniture, you can trust our team to provide expert advice, quality assembly and installation. Get in touch with us today.

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